Romania: State aid amendments with a focus on investments in assets and new jobs
On 12 September 2019, the Ministry of Public Finances published two new draft amendments to state aid legislation, specifically the state aid scheme governed by G.D. 807/2014 on investment in assets and the state aid scheme governed by G.D. 332/2014 on job creation. They are basically a refresh of the previous projects issued on 3 July.
Several amendments have been proposed and are waiting to be approved by the Ministry of Public Finances after discussions with the private sector. Here are the new features:
G.D. 807/2014 for investment in assets
- Salary expenses: option of financing not only tangible and intangible assets, but also salary costs for 2 consecutive years
- State aid payment: extension of the state aid effective payment until 2025
- Minimum threshold for initial investment has been reduced to RON 2.35 million for 29 counties: Vaslui, Botoșani, Teleorman, Mehedinți, Suceava, Olt, Neamț, Călărași, Vrancea, Buzău, Bacău, Galați, Giurgiu, Harghita, Dâmbovița, Ialomița, Maramureș, Covasna, Satu Mare, Brăila, Dolj, Vâlcea, Bistrița-Năsăud, Tulcea, Mureș, Sălaj, Iași, Hunedoara and Bihor
G.D. 332/2014 for job creation
- Minimum salary: introduction of the notion of a minimum monthly gross salary of RON 8,000 (RON 4,600 net) for highly qualified jobs and RON 5,500 (RON 3,200 net) for qualified jobs
- Harmonisation with the updates launched last year for GD 807/2014 (continuous filing of applications rather than ‘windows’; elimination of scoring-based selection and start of the project immediately after submission of the application instead of on the date of approval)