Private Equity Investment in Brazil, Germany and Poland
The Brazilian private equity market accounts for most of Latin America’s deal activity and represents the biggest market in South America with a total amount of approx. EUR 26 billion invested or committed by private equity and venture capital funds in 2012. Private equity players were involved in 47% of the M&A deals in 2013.
The German private equity market further stabilized following the slow-down after the financial crisis with a solid pipeline of potential deals for 2014. The recent implementation of the EU Directive on Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFMD) by the new German Capital Investment Code (Kapitalanlagesetzbuch - KAGB) will have, among other, impact on structures for German and non-German private equity funds.
Strong business growth, economic stabilization in Western Europe and a favorable business outlook provide the strong basis for an active and growing private equity market in Poland. In 2012, the private equity markets in Poland turned the corner with capital invested reaching EUR 1.2 billion thereby exceeding its precrisis levels and 2013 remained solid.
In view of these developments, we have prepared a summary of the main aspects relating to private equity investments targeting Brazil, Germany and Poland.
Download (english): Brazil Desk Newsletter February 2014
Download (portuguese): Brazil Desk Newsletter Fevereiro 2014