Noerr advises GardaWorld on takeover of Gunnebo Group’s cash management business


A team led by our Berlin-based partner Laurenz Tholen and senior associate Jin-Sa John Jun has advised the Canadian GardaWorld Group on its takeover of the cash management business from the Swedish Gunnebo Group.

GardaWorld is one of the world’s largest security companies with more than 120,000 employees and is a market leader in cash solutions.

The cash management business, one of the Gunnebo Group’s three segments, is present in markets around the world and offers its customers, ranging from banks to public transport and retail, solutions for automated cash handling, including specialised software, machines and devices, as well as services in the areas of closed cash handling systems, cash recycling and cash deposits.

Noerr advised on all German law aspects of the transaction in cooperation with leading law firms from five jurisdictions.

Advisors to GardaWorld:

Germany: Noerr Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB

Team lead: Laurenz Tholen (partner), Jin-Sa John Jun (senior associate, both Private Equity/M&A, Berlin)

Private Equity/M&A

Anna Olbrys-Sobieszuk (senior associate, Berlin)

Employment & Pensions
Benjamin Jahn (partner, Munich)
Tabea Gutmann (associate, Berlin)

Digital Business
Torsten Kraul (partner), Marvin Bartels (associate, Berlin)

Intellectual Property
Christoph Rieken (partner), Katja Schmitt (senior associate, Munich)

PR team

Employment & Pensions
Intellectual Property
Digital Business
Private Equity
Mergers & Acquisitions
