Tobias B. Lühmann

Rechtsanwalt (Lawyer), Associated Partner

Class & Mass Action Defense
Corporate and Financial Litigation
Data Protection Litigation

Tobias B. Lühmann

Tobias Lühmann advises and represents financial institutions comprehensively on banking law. He has broad experience in defending against mass claims and collective actions in particular actions brought by claim vehicles and consumer associations. He also regularly publishes in the area of banking law and collective redress.


Legal studies at the Humboldt-University of Berlin (Germany) as well as at the King's College London (United Kingdom)
Research assistant in a leading german corporate law firm in the area of public business law
With Noerr since 2015
Admitted to the Berlin Chamber of Lawyers (Germany)


  • Working Group for Banking and Capital Markets Law
  • Banking Law Association


  • Developments in the area of collective redress in the year 2023, in Wertpapiermitteilungen – Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Bankrecht (WM), 2024, p. 1199 et seq. (in German)
  • Collective redress in Germany and the transposition of the EU Representative Actions Di-rective, in Mass Claims 2/2023, p. 1 ff. (with Dr Henner Schläfke) (in Englisch)
  • Collective redress following the transposition of the EU Representative Actions Directive, in Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW), 2023, p. 3385 ff. (with Dr Henner Schläfke) (in German)
  • Actions by stages of Legal Techs for the recovery of banking fees, in Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW), 2023, p. 3121 ff. (with Julian Taufmann and Nick Fürbringer) (in German)
  • Present and future of collective redress in data protection law, in Zeitschrift für Datenschutz (ZD) , 2023, p. 131 ff. (with Pascal Schumacher and Lea Stegemann) (in German)
  • Collective redress, in Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW), 2022, p. 1870 (in German)
  • Proposal of the Federal Ministry of Justice for the transposition of the EU Representative Actions Directive, in Produkthaftpflicht international (PHi), 2022, p. 138 ff (with Dr Henner Schläfke and Lea Stegemann) (in German)
  • Requirements and challenges of the EU Representative Actions Directive, in Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP), 2021, p. 824 et seq. (in German)
  • The EU action for redress measures – results of the political agreement on a draft directive and outlook, in Produkthaftpflicht international (PHi), 2020, p. 164 ff. (with Dr Henner Schläfke) (in German)
  • Collective redress – An overview of current developments, in Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW), 2020, p. 1706 et seq. (in German)
  • Legal consequences of the incorrect transposition of Art. 7 of the Directive 2002/65/EC re-garding distance marketing of consumer financial services, in Zeitschrift für Bank und Kapitalmarktrecht (BKR), 2020, p. 571 et seq. (in German)
  • The moratorium for credit agreements due to the Covid-19 pandemic, in Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW), 2020, p. 1321 et seq. (in German)
  • No comeback of the “withdrawal joker” – On the consequences of the incompatibility of Art. 247 § 6(2) sentence 3 EGBGB with the requirements of the Consumer Credit Directive 2008/48/EC, in Zeitschrift für Bank und Kapitalmarktrecht (BKR), 2020, p. 232 et seq. (with Daniel Latta and Dr Johanna Siemonsen-Grauer) (in German)
  • Consumer credit agreements after the Romano judgment of the Court of Justice of the Eu-ropean Union (C-143/18), in Zeitschrift für Bank und Kapitalmarktrecht (BKR), 2020, p. 69 et seq. (with Daniel Latta) (in German)
  • The proposal for a European Representative Actions Directive, in Neue Juristische Wo-chenschrift (NJW), 2019, p. 570 et seq. (in German)
  • RRisks and pitfalls of international private law for the collective enforcement of antitrust damages claims – On the law applicable to antitrust damage claims based on a violation of European and non-European antitrust law, in Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft (RIW), 2019, p. 7 et seq. (in German)
  • Litigation strategies in disputes involving the withdrawal from consumer loan agreements, in Neue Juristische Online-Zeitschrift (NJOZ), 2018, p. 921 et seq. (in German)
  • On the relevance of capital gains tax following the withdrawal of consumer credit agree-ments – also an annotation to judgments of the German Federal Court of Justice on 25 April 2017 (case nos. XI ZR 573/15, XI ZR 108/16, in Zeitschrift für Bank und Kapitalmarkt-recht (BKR), 2017, p. 450 et seq. (in German)
  • Legal consequences of the withdrawal from credit agreements for consumers relating to residential immovable property, in Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW), 2017, p. 2071 et seq. (with Daniel Latta) (in German)
  • The claim for relocation of an easement, in Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW), 2016, p. 2454 et seq.
  • Conclusive and preclusive effects of arbitral awards in German and US law. An analysis of the relevance of party autonomy for determining the effects of arbitral awards, VVerfR 109, Tübingen 2014 (dissertation) (awarded with the DIS sponsorship Award 2015/2016 [2nd place]); reviewed by Sandrock, in ZVglRWiss 2016, p. 142 et seq.
  • Approximately 40 annotations on recent judgments concerning banking law, collective redress and civil procedure in leading law journals (NJW, ZIP, EWiR, WuB, ZASA)