Christian Mayer specialises in advising national and international companies on regulatory issues in the areas of transport, energy, environment, media and gambling. This mainly involves advising and representing clients in complex administrative proceedings and before administrative courts. One of Christian’s special industry focusses is alternative mobility. Christian regularly publishes articles and gives lectures on his specialist subject areas and supports various research initiatives. Christian holds a lectureship at the University of Stuttgart on environmental law and regulation for the master-degree courses “Electromobility”, “Sustainable Electrical Energy Supply” and “Electrical Engineering and Information Technology” and a lectureship at the Technical University of Berlin on "Urban Planning & Mobility Law" for the MBA course "Building Sustainability". He is a member of the Advisory Board Mobility Data of the Ministry of Transport Baden-Württemberg.


  • Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure: Legislative reporting pursuant to § 7 EmoG on the Electromobility Act (2018 and 2021)
  • Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy: Accompanying legal research on the research programme "ICT for electromobility" (since 2021)
  • Comprehensive advice to several car manufacturers on the formation of emission pools under Regulation (EU) 2019/631 in the EU and UK (since 2018)
  • Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure: Regular advice on alternative mobility and accompanying legal research in the research programmes "Networked Mobility" of the Electromobility Model Regions, "Electromobility Showcase" and currently "Framework Conditions and Market" (since 2016)
  • MOIA: Providing broad-based legal advice and assisting VW subsidiary MOIA GmbH in licensing procedures for its new mobility services as well as defending the licences in all legal actions (since 2018)
  • MWS Projektentwicklungsgesellschaft: Providing wide-ranging legal advice to the Mannheim-based urban project develop-ment company on developing (converting) Franklin Blue Village into a district with re-duced traffic and alternative mobility ser-vices (2017)
  • Darmstadt – City of Science: Providing legal advice and assisting in the development of the LINCOLN housing estate as a model residential district with reduced cars and traffic (since 2015)


  • Awarded "Lawyer of the Year 2023, Handelsblatt/Best Lawyers 2023" for Public Law
  • Often recommended lawyer for the transport sector ("objective and competent", Competitor; "professional and unagitated", Competitor; "Expert for charging infrastructure for e-cars", Client), JUVE Handbook since 2020
  • Designated one of the “names of the next generation” in the energy sector: “Munich-based Christian Mayer specialises above all in energy projects in the fields of mobility and infrastructure,” Legal 500 Deutschland (since 2018)
  • Often recommended lawyer for environmental and planning law, JUVE Handbook since 2020
  • Designated one of the “names of the next generation” for environmental and planning law: “his expertise on transport and alternative mobility must be highlighted” Legal 500 Deutschland (since 2018)
  • Recommended as a leading expert in public commercial law, Best Lawyers in Germany (since 2019)
  • Leading sources comment: “Smart mobility is the main topic of the future in the transport sector, and Noerr is on the cutting edge. […] Restless mobility service providers such as Moia and Clever Shuttle rely on their regulatory skills and foresight, including on telecommunications law. Regulatory expert Christian Mayer convinced a large number of new clients. His advice on digitalised mobility strategies is also particularly innovative,” JUVE Handbook, Law Firm of the Year for Regulated Industries (2018)
  • Client Choice Award in the category Public Law Germany (“Christian Mayer is the lawyer of choice when it comes to regulatory and public law matters; he has proven himself to be an expert in his field”; “Christian is easily accessible to get hands-on, first-class advice; it is great to work with him.”), International Law Office (2017)


Studied law at the University of Konstanz
Research assistant with the legal department of the University of Konstanz and lecturer at the largest German legal revision course
Several years’ experience as a lawyer with a nationwide law firm in Düsseldorf
At Noerr since 2010
Admitted to the Munich Chamber of Lawyers


  • Association of German Jurists (DJT)
  • Munich Jurists’ Association (MJG)
  • Platforms Infrastructure, City & Traffic and Regulatory Law of the Model Regions Electromobility promoted by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development
  • Involved in various research initiatives
  • Member of the advisory council at GermanZero e.V.
  • Member of the Advisory Board Mobility Data of the Ministry of Transport Baden-Württemberg


  • New mobility services, often at associations of the real estate & transport industry as well as at conferences to inform about the counseled model projects.
  • Electromobility, often at events organised by federal ministries (BMDV, BMWK), research initiatives (Fraunhofer), at coordination agencies (NOW, Bayern Innovativ) and at workshops for clients and their partners.
  • Product-related environmental law, at workshops for clients and with associations
  • Gambling law, at conferences and trade fairs of the gambling and media industry


  • „Mobilitätsdatenverordnung (MDV) - Neuer Rechtsrahmen für die Bereitstellung von Mobilitätsdaten“ (with David Bomhard and Philipp Etzkorn) in RDi 2022, pp. 446 et seq.
  • "Schnellladegesetz und Deutschlandnetz – Katalysator oder Bremse der Verkehrswende?" (with Ines Coenen), in: RAW 2022, pp. 60 et seq.
  • „Digitale Mobilität – aktuelle Rechtsprechung und die Novellierung des Personenbeförderungsrechts“, RAW 2020, pp. 41 et seq.
  • Kommentierung des Rechts der Elektromobilität, Elektromobilitätsgesetz und Lade-säulenverordnung, gemeinsam mit Dr. Malte Helbig, Berliner Kommentar zum Energierecht, Band 2, 4th edition (2019) Säcker/Ludwigs (ed.)
  • „Moderne Mobilitätskonzepte in der städtebaulichen Quartiersentwicklung“, RAW 2018, pp. 137 et seq.
  • „Fahrverbote für Dieselfahrzeuge – eine Bestandsaufnahme“, RAW 2018, pp. 113 et seq.
  • "Das Diesel-Urteil: Was die Entscheidung bedeutet und kommunale Handlungsmöglichkeiten", eMobilJournal 02/18, pp. 48 et seq.
  • Die Ladensäulenverordnung - Rechtliche Vorgaben für die Ladeinfrastruktur der Elektromobilität, InTeR 2017, pp. 141 et seq. 
  • Rechtsrahmen und Vorschläge zur Änderung für Ladeinfrastruktur im Neubau und Bestand, KommJur 2016, p. 161 et seq.
  • Eine „Win-Win-Win“-Situation – Neue Mobilität als Schlüssel für urbane Wohnbauvorhaben; PUBLICUS 2016.4, p. 22 et seq.
  • Strafrechtliche Risiken des unwirksamen öffentlich-rechtlichen Vertrags (with Martin Schorn), KommJur 2015, pp. 86 et seq.
  • Kein Glückspiel und trotzdem nicht erlaubt – Anmerkung zu BVerwG, Urteil vom 22.01.2014, ZfWG 2014, pp. 182 et seq. 
  • „Fußball-Wette“ – kein verstecktes Entgelt, kein öffentliches Glücksspiel, ZfWG 05.14, pp. 290 et seq.
  • Kein Entgelt, kein Glücksspiel – und doch alle Fragen offen (with Martin Ahlhaus), Gewerbearchiv (GewArch) 2014/3, pp. 122 et seq.
  • Electromobility in Germany – a brief overview of the legal framework, in: Australian Product Liability Reporter 12/2013, p. 39 et seq.
  • Elektromobilität in Deutschland – Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen und Anreize, Zeitschrift für die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette Automobilwirtschaft (ZfAW) 4/2013, pp. 46 et seq.
  • Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen der Elektromobilität, Zeitschrift zum Innovations- und Technikrecht (InTeR) 4/2013, pp. 189 et seq.
  • Rechtsfragen individueller Elektromobilität im Straßenverkehr, KommJur 2013, pp. 361 et seq.
  • Werbeverbote vs. Sponsoring – Vorgaben und Risiken für Sportwettenanbieter, Berger/Hattenberger (ed.), RECHT SPORTlich 2, Aktuelle Rechtsfragen des Sports, Tagungsband Klagenfurt 2013
  • Ladeinfrastruktur für Elektrofahrzeuge – rechtliche Fragestellungen und Herausforderungen, Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen (ed.), 8/2013, pp. 73 et seq.
  • Nichtmonetäre Anreizmechanismen im Verkehrs- und Straßenrecht, Berliner Handbuch zur Elektromobilität, Boesche/Franz/Fest/Gaul (ed.)
  • Nichtmonetäre Anreizmechanismen im Verkehrs- und Straßenrecht, Berliner Handbuch zur Elektromobilität, Boesche/Franz/Fest/Gaul (ed.)