Noerr facilitates work-life balance by offering six months’ paid parental leave for lawyers


Noerr is making it easier for its lawyers to combine career and family by introducing a new initiative called the Family Track. This policy offers voluntary additional benefits for both mothers and fathers that exceed standard parental leave and allowances.

“With immediate effect, Noerr is ensuring financial independence for its lawyers who assume the main share of parental responsibilities for several months. At the same time, this policy provides an appealing pathway for these lawyers to return to work in light of their new family circumstances,” says Co-HR partner Christine Volohonsky. Tibor Fedke, her co-HR partner, adds, “This emphasises our commitment to fostering the growth of our employees’ individual potential in all life situations.”

The Family Track policy provides that lawyers will continue to receive 50% of their salary during a six-month parental leave. Following this, they will gradually return to work, initially on a subsidised part-time basis for up to six months, free from any fee-earning pressure and with unlimited opportunities to work from home.

In addition, Noerr encourages the ongoing involvement of all lawyers with their teams during parental leave and provides opportunities for further training during this period. The firm also offers two weeks of paid special leave for periods when children are getting accustomed to day care or starting school, if required in individual cases.

Ulrike Lehbrink, Noerr’s Chief Human Resources Officer, explains, “With this new initiative, we want to support young lawyers on their career paths even more, while also providing them with the flexibility and special freedom they need during different stages of their lives”.