Timm Gaßner
Rechtsanwalt (Lawyer), Associated Partner
Capital Markets

Timm focuses on all aspects of corporate and capital markets law for listed and non-listed companies. He regularly advises on complex cross-border reorganisations as well as on capital market transactions. Moreover, his practice includes in particular the preparation and conduction of (critical) shareholder meetings. In addition, he advises management boards and supervisory boards on corporate governance matters and insider law.
- Volkswagen Financial Services
On cross-border group reorganisation (2024) - H&K AG (Heckler & Koch)
On rights issue with debt-to-equity swap (2023) - Daimler Truck AG
On entering into a strategic alliance with Deutz AG and providing an IP portfolio as a contribution in kind in return for the issuance of Deutz shares (2023) - Mutares SE & Co. KGaA
On a €100m rights issue and uplisting to the regulated market (Prime Standard) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange - Andritz AG
On the squeeze-out under stock corporation law at Schuler AG (2020) - MDAX company
On the intragroup cross-border merger of a key subsidiary, involving 10 jurisdictions (2020/2021) - Cherry SE, Westwing Group SE, CDAX-company, European private bank
Each on SE conversion
Legal studies at the University Augsburg
Legal traineeship at OLG Munich and with an international law firm in Munich and London
Doctoral studies at the University Augsburg and working as lawyer in part-time and research assistant at Noerr
Admitted to the Munich Chamber of Lawyers
Visiting Lawyer at Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP in New York City
- Commentaries on sections 327a et. seq. of the German Stock Corporation Act (with Dr Timo Holzborn), in: Bürgers/Lieder (eds), Heidelberger Kommentar zum Aktiengesetz, C.F. Müller Verlag Heidelberg, 6th edition 2025
- Die neue virtuelle Hauptversammlung - Gestaltungsoptionen für die Praxis (with Dr Ralph Schilha), Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP), 47/2022, pp. 2357 et seq.
- Die neue virtuelle Hauptversammlung - ein Überblick (with Dr Gerald Reger), RDi 9/2022, pp. 396 et seq.
- Die virtuelle Hauptversammlung der Zukunft (with Dr Ralph Schilha), Deutscher AnwaltSpiegel, edition 7/2022, pp. 6 et seq.
- Neue Corporate Governance-Regeln für Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat durch das FISG (with Dr Ralph Schilha), Der Betrieb (DB), 30/2021, pp. 1661 et seq.
- Ad-hoc-Publizität, Wissenszurechnung und die aktienrechtliche Verschwiegenheitspflicht - Ein Beitrag zum Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Kapitalmarktrecht und Gesellschaftsrecht, Nomos Verlag 2020 (Dissertation)