Michael Josef Braun
Rechtsanwalt (Lawyer), Associated Partner

Michael Braun is an associated partner in Noerr's Munich office and a member of the Corporate practice group. He advises family owned businesses, owner-managed business and their shareholders. He has a focus on group of companies law with particular expertise at the interface of group of companies law and money laundering law (German transparency register). Besides, he advises on general corporate law.
Legal studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich (Germany)
Fellow of the Max Weber-Programm of the State of Bavaria
Graduation studies at the Universität des Saarlandes (Germany)
Training to business mediator (CVM) at the Center for Negotiation and Mediation (CVM, now: MuCDR) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich
With Noerr since 2016
Admitted to the Munich Chamber of Lawyers
- Wirtschafsbeirat Bayern
- Entwurf einer EU-GeldwäscheVO und 6. EU-GeldwäscheRL – erweiterte Transparenzpflichten von Gesellschaften (with Felix Link), Handelsblatt Rechtsboard from 15 November 2021
- Neue Verwaltungspraxis zum Transparenzregister (with Dr. Gerald Reger and Felix Link), Börsen-Zeitung from 4 January 2020, p. 9
- Rechtsfragen des Crowdfunding - Eine zivil- und aufsichtsrechtliche Untersuchung der Schwarmfinanzierung über das Internet, Peter Lang Verlag, 2018 (zugl. Diss. Saarbrücken 2017)
- Der gemeinsame Vertreter der Anleihegläubiger nach § 19 II 1 SchVG: Erfüllung der Berichtspflicht aus § 7 II 4 SchVG über das Internet und Anmeldungen zur Insolvenztabelle (with Dr. Henning Blaufuß), in NZI 2016, p. 5 ff