Compli­ance & Investi­gations

We guide you safely through the challenges of preventive and repressive compliance.

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interdisciplinary experts
Frequently recommended by leading directories such as JUVE, Chambers Europe, Legal 500
Developing IT-based solutions – tailored to meet your needs

Acting as a proactive and strategic partner, we help you introduce an effective compliance management system tailored to the specific needs of your company and to improve existing systems.

If you are faced with a suspected breach, we can provide you with discreet and effective support when planning and conducting internal investigations. You can draw upon our many years of experience in investigating complex national and international cases and dealing with prosecution and supervisory authorities.

Our team of compliance specialists is always ready to assist you. We have advisors with the skills necessary for your projects, i.e. specialist knowledge in company, antitrust, competition, employment and criminal law as well as in public commercial law and the areas of foreign trade, technical compliance and product liability. Benefit in particular from our proficiency in matters calling for expertise in two or more legal fields, such as digital transformation and ESG compliance.

Our services

  • Developing and implementing group-wide compliance management systems
  • Optimising existing compliance management systems and adapting them to reflect special local situations and keep pace with new legal requirements
  • Advising on global compliance requirements and special local situations
  • Providing assistance in harmonising compliance management systems in multinational companies
  • Drafting and revising group-wide policies and work instructions
  • Carrying out seminars and training to increase compliance expertise in companies
  • Performing compliance risk analyses
  • Setting up whistleblowing systems and advising on dealing with any reported received
  • At all times: taking into account technological, digital progress
  • Preparing, coordinating and implementing internal investigations in Germany and abroad, including using AI
  • Investigating complex cases involving suspected breaches by structured and efficient fact-finding
  • Preparing and conducting employee interviews
  • Securing evidence usable in court
  • Communicating with committees and stakeholders
  • Representing clients in dealings with and communicating with prosecution and supervisory authorities in Germany and abroad
  • Defending clients in tax- and customs-related criminal investigations and administrative fine proceedings inside and outside Germany [White-Collar Defence]
  • Advising companies, governing bodies and their members on compliance breaches
  • Assisting with project and crisis management
  • Advising on public relations work and reputation management
  • Improving compliance management systems by specifically evaluating compliance incidents
  • Safeguarding and enforcing claims against members of governing bodies, employees and third parties
  • Advising on compliance with individual ESG topics [ESG]
  • Carrying out internal investigations of ESG topics
  • Advising on data privacy, IT security and cyber risks, especially in critical situations [Cybersecurity]

Selected projects

  • DAX 40 company
    Advising the client in connection with accusations of misconduct during communications by a member of the management board; fact-finding, legal analysis and recommended courses of action
  • Deutsche Bahn
    Conducting various internal investigations
  • DAX 40 company
    Advising the management board regarding accusations of possible gender and sexual discrimination of employees by other employees; investigating the facts and developing targeted strategies
  • Company from the online services industry
    Advising the company in connection with allegations of sexual misconduct against a member of the management board; investigating the facts and analysing the legal position
  • Consumer goods retailer
    Providing ongoing advice to our client so as to enable it to put in place a compliance structure that meets the requirements of the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains; revising the client’s general terms and conditions of purchase and preparing a suppliers’ code of conduct for it
  • Listed industrial company
    Advising the company in connection with the use of outside personnel; carrying out a detailed investigation of the facts and assessing the criminal and tax implications; dealing with the competent authorities
  • International industrial company
    Providing wide-ranging advice on an internal trade compliance system, e.g. on risk management, the issue of outsourcing important processes to third countries and the classification of software for applications in the field of autonomous driving as well as handling communication with authorities on sanctions issues
  • MDAX group
    Representing the group in internal investigations and managing proceedings in a range of jurisdictions
  • Textile company
    Representing a textile company that fell victim to alleged industrial espionage by investigating the facts and asserting the company’s interests in criminal and civil proceedings both in Germany and abroad
  • Boxine GmbH
    Advising the company on product compliance in Europe and advising it on product liability law for its launch in the US market
  • Global manufacturer of kitchen and household appliances as well as home textiles
    Providing legal advice and guidance in connection with a global recall of a consumer product in the home textiles sector, including handling the official notification procedures within and outside of Europe
  • Technology company
    Advising the company on criminal and administrative fine proceedings due to Brexit-related violations of export controls; assisting it in the continued improvement of its internal compliance programme

With its strong foothold in the DAX 40 segment, Noerr regularly provides cross-industry advice on a range of preventive compliance matters, including the implementation and development of compliance management systems, often with an international dimension, and on the topics of supply chain due diligence and trade compliance…

Legal 500 Deutschland – Compliance, 2023
Sanctions, Liability & Damage Compensation, Post War Litigations, Businesses exiting Russia - what are the legal impacts?

Third year of War in Ukraine

19.02.2025 - 19.02.2025

European competitiveness – Which antitrust rules does Europe need?

Noerr Competition Day 2025

21.02.2025 - 21.02.2025

Noerr’s interdisciplinary compliance practice regularly demonstrates its wide-ranging expertise in internal investigations, with the overlap to its criminal law unit generating particularly strong synergies…

Legal 500 Deutschland – Interne Investigations, 2023


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