Torsten Fett is a partner in Noerr’s Frankfurt office and has been a co-speaker (managing partner) of the firm since 2019. In addition, he is heading the practice group Compliance & Investigations. Torsten advises management board and supervisory board members as well as members of compliance and legal departments on all compliance issues, drawing on a wealth of experience gained over many years in this field. One key focus of his work is matters involving stock corporation and capital markets law (directors’ and officers’ responsibility and liability issues). Apart from this, he provides ongoing advice to banks and financial services companies on compliance-relevant issues, especially in the area of banking regulatory. He specialises in conducting internal investigations for national and international companies and setting up cross-border compliance management systems. Torsten has been publishing on his core legal practice areas in relevant journals and books for over 20 years.


  • Deutsche Börse: Advising the supervisory board
  • Commerzbank: Advising the supervisory board; investigating the responsibility of the management board for penalty payments in the US
  • DAX listed group: Carrying out various internal investigations
  • Deutsche Bahn: Providing many years of advice on compliance matters
  • Large European bank: Providing ongoing advice on compliance matters


  • Leading expert in banking and regulatory, internal investigations and corporate, JUVE
  • Leading expert in compliance, internal investigations and banking and finance (financial regulatory), Legal 500 Germany (2021/2022)
  • Leading expert in compliance, Chambers Europe
  • "He is very experienced and very quickly gets into the matter. In compliance you have to think of what could come up in future and he has a good feel for that." (Client in Chambers Europe 2020)


Legal studies at the University of Bielefeld and doctorate at Humboldt-University of Berlin
At Noerr since 2001
Admitted to the Frankfurt Chamber of Lawyers


  • Handbuch Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien, Herausgeber und Mitautor (with Dr Tobias Bürgers), C.H.Beck-Verlag München, 3rd edition 2022
  • Heidelberger Kommentar zum Aktiengesetz, §§ 15-19, §§ 278-290, §§ 308-327, § 328, in: Bürgers/Körber/Lieder (ed.), C.F. Müller Verlag Heidelberg, 5th edition, 2021
  • Kapitalmarktrechtskommentar, §§ 80, 82-96 WpHG (Compliance), in: Schwark/Zimmer (ed.), 5th edition, Verlag C.H.Beck, München 2020
  • WpHG-Sanktionsregime und Kapitalmarkt-Compliance, in: Festschrift 25 Jahre WpHG, 2019, pp. 1089 et seq.
  • Interne Untersuchungen als Ausübung der Überwachungspflicht des Aufsichtsrats (with Dr Sophia Habbe), in: AG 2018, pp. 257 et seq.
  • Chapter on Germany (with Dr Ingo Theusinger ), in: International Comparative Legal Guide to Corporate Investigations 2017
  • 20 Jahre Kapitalgesellschaft & Co. KGaA – Bestandsaufnahme und neuere Entwicklungen (with Dominique Stütz), in: NZG 2017, pp. 1121 et seq.
  • Compliance im Kredit- und Finanzdienstleistungskonzern (with Dr Stefan Gebauer), in: Krieger/U.H.Schneider (ed.), Handbuch Managerhaftung, 3rd edition 2017
  • Konzeption und Durchführung von „Internal Investigations“ (with Dr Ingo Theusinger), in: KSzW Heft 4/2016, pp. 253 et. seq. 
  • Handbuch Joint Venture, Herausgeber und Mitautor (with Dr Christoph Spiering), Verlag C.F. Müller, 2nd edition 2015
  • Die Errichtung von Zustimmungsvorbehalten zugunsten des Aufsichtsrats (with Dr Elisabeth Heuser), in: ZfgG 65 (2015), pp. 209 et seq.
  • Der Regierungsentwurf zum Kleinanlegerschutzgesetz, in: KSzW 2015, pp. 139 et seq.
  • Der Versand der Mitteilung nach § 125 AktG (with Dr Harald Evers), in: NZG 2012, pp. 530 et seq.
  • Allgemeine Rechtsgrundlagen der Wertpapier-Compliance, in: Renz/Hense (ed.), Organisation der Wertpapier-Compliance-Funktion, pp. 3 et seq., Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin 2012
  • Der E-Geld-Intermediär im Visier der Aufsicht – Das Gesetz zur Umsetzung der Zweiten E-Geld-Richtlinie und seine Auswirkungen auf E-Geld-Agenten (with Dr Florian Bentele), in: BKR 2011, pp. 403 et seq.
  • E-Geld-Aufsicht light? – Das Gesetz zur Umsetzung der Zweiten E-Geld-Richtlinie und seine Auswirkungen auf E-Geld-Institute (with Dr Florian Bentele), in: WM 2011, pp. 1352 et seq.
  • Compliance im Konzern – Rechtliche Grundlagen und praktische Umsetzung (with Dr Ingo Theusinger), in: BB Spezial 4/2010, pp. 6 et seq.
  • Die gerichtliche Bestellung von Aufsichtsratsmitgliedern – Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Fallstricke (with Dr Ingo Theusinger), in AG 2010, pp. 425 et seq.