Thomas Hoffmann
Rechtsanwalt (Lawyer), Partner

Thomas Hoffmann has been advising companies in distressed situations and during insolvency proceedings for over 25 years. He co-heads Noerr's Restructuring and Insolvency practice group together with Marlies Raschke and is the second board member of Noerr GmbH & Co. KG with Martin Kleinschmitt as CEO as well as managing director of Noerr's Trustee vehicle, TEAM Treuhand GmbH. He is the author of numerous specialist publications and regularly gives lectures on current restructuring issues.
- Spark Networks SE: Advising the main creditor in a take-over by way of a StaRUG proceeding ("German Scheme").
- Wittur: Advising to the 2nd lien lenders in the restructuring and takeover of the elevator parts supplier
- Condor: In-court-restructuring after the collapse of its sharholder Thomas Cook Group, restructuring shareholder via the Noerr trust vehicle TEAM Treuhand and finally sale to a private investor
- Galapagos: Representing the senior lender's agent in court against a claw back law suit of the German insolvency administrator
- Wirecard: Initiating Insolvency proceedings for the stock listed DAX-30 company and some of its subsidiaries after the publication of balance sheet irregularities
- Thomas Cook: Advice to the German subsidiaries of the international tour operator during the out-of-court restructuring attempts and initiating of insolvency proceedings after the UK-bankruptcy
- Recommended as Leading Advisor in Restructuring, JUVE-Annual Handbook
- Recommended as one of the most renowned lawyers for restructuring in Germany, WirtschaftsWoche
- Recommended as one of the leading lawyers in Restructuring & Insolvency, Handelsblatt/Best Lawyers in Germany
- Recommended for M&A, Corporate Law, JUVE
- Recommended in Chambers as notable practitioner
- Recommended in Who's Who Legal as National, Global and Thought Leader
Apprenticeship with Deutsche Bank AG
Studied law and economics at the Universities of Passau and Tübingen
Legal traineeship at Stuttgart Higher Regional Court
PhD in Economics from the University of Stuttgart
At Noerr since 1999
Admitted to the Chamber of Lawyers in Baden Württemberg since 1995
- Insolvency Law and Restructuring subdivison of the German Lawyers’ Association
- TMA Germany e.V.
- Working Group for Insolvency Law (Arbeitskreis für Insolvenzrecht e.V.) (Berlin/Brandenburg)
- §§ 29 - 33 StaRUG in Flöther (Hrsg), Kommentar zum Unternehmensstabilisierungs und -restrukturierungsgesetz, Kommentar (mit Dr. Andrea Braun), C.H.Beck, München, 1. Auflage, 2021
- §§ 7,8 und 19 SchVG in Reinhard/Schall, Kommentar zum Gesetz über Schudlverschreibungen aus Gesamtemmissionen, De Gruyter, 1. Aufl. 2020
- Sanierungsrecht – Einführung zur Richtlinie der Europäischen Kommission über präventive Restrukturierungsrahmen, darin: Das europäische Gesetzgebungsverfahren, Wirkung des Restrukturierungsplans, Minderheitenschutz (with Andrea Braun), 2019
- Konsortialkreditvertrag, Formularvertrag mit Anmerkungen, Münchner Vertragshandbuch Band 2: Wirtschaftsrecht I, Verlag C.H.Beck, Munich, 8th edition, 2020
- Corporate Recovery & Insolvency 2018 – Germany (with Isabel Giancristofano), in: International Comparative Legal Guide 2018
- Gläubigerbeteiligung in der Konzerninsolvenz, Flöther (ed.), Handbuch zum Konzerninsolvenzrecht, 2nd edition, 2018
- Ist das englische Scheme of Arrangement (noch) ein taugliches Sanierungsinstrument für deutsche Unternehmen? (together with Isabel Giancristofano), ZIP 2016, p. 1151 et. seq.
- Beratung von Banken, Anwalts-Handbuch Insolvenzrecht, Runkel/Schmidt (eds.), Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt, Cologne, 3rd edition, 2015
- Die Behandlung des Verlustausgleichsanspruchs gem. § 302 I AktG (with Dr Ingo Theusinger), NZG 2014, p. 1170 et. seq.
- Der Erhalt der Börsennotierung beim echten und unechten Debt Equity Swap in der Insolvenz der börsennotierten AG (together with Dr Laurenz Wieneke), ZIP 2013, p. 697 et. seq.