Peter Stauber has vast experience in handling and coordinating parallel merger control proceedings (multi-jurisdictional filings) worldwide. He also advises companies on antitrust law compliance matters, ranging from the establishment of compliance systems, internal investigations to follow-up measures such as the filing of leniency applications and advice on antitrust proceedings. Peter also advises companies on judicially enforcing and defending against antitrust claims (private enforcement).


  • AVX Corporation: Advising on the acquisition of the Transportation, Sensing & Controls division from TT Electronics plc
  • DAF Trucks: Defending against antitrust damage claims in Germany following from antitrust proceedings of the European Commission
  • Rocket Internet: Providing ongoing advice on merger control issues in connection with venture capital investments, investors’ funding rounds and exits
  • Danpower: Defending the company in antitrust proceedings by the Federal Cartel Office for allegedly abusive behaviour in the supply of district heating services in various German markets
  • Wholesaler of sanitary and heating products: Representing the client in a cartel investigation by the Federal Cartel Office concerning alleged price fixing agreements and exchange of competitively relevant information
  • AIDA Cruises / Costa Crociere: Providing ongoing advice on European and German antitrust law in connection with agency agreements and disputes with travel agencies
  • Immofinanz: Providing merger control advice concerning the acquisition of sole control over competitor CA Immo, with merger review proceedings in Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic
  • Volkswagen Financial Services: Providing European merger control advice on the establishment of a joint venture with Logpay Financial Services in the fuel card business


  • Studied law at Humboldt University of Berlin, ELTE Budapest (Hungary), KU Leuven (Belgium) and TU Dresden (Germany)
  • At Noerr since 2007
  • Admitted to the Berlin Chamber of Lawyers


  • Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht (German Antitrust Law Research Association)
  • International Bar Association
  • American Bar Association Section Antitrust
  • DICO – German Institute for Compliance
  • International Competition Network (Non-Governmental Advisor for the Federal Cartel Office)


  • Mehr Unsicherheit durch Rechtsklarheit? - annotation to ECJ judgment of 7 September 2017, C-248/16 – Austria Asphalt, ZWeR 2/2018
  • New rules for mergers in the digital economy in Germany, CPI Antitrust Chronicle, 02/2018
  • Commentary on the European Merger Control Regulation, European Competition Law – A Case Commentary, (eds. Weijer VerLoren van Themaat/Berend Reuder), Edward Elgar, 2018, (jointly with Professor Karsten Metzlaff)
  • Claiming for Antitrust Damages in Germany after the implementation of the EU Directive on Antitrust Damage, Global Competition Litigation Review, 4/2017, p. 186 et seq.
  • International Comparative Legal Guides, Vertical Agreements/Dominance, Germany chapter, 2019
  • Global Legal Insights: Merger Control, Germany chapter, 2018
  • Ausgewählte Themen des neuen Kartellschadensersatzrechts – Schadensersatz, Abwälzung, Gesamtschuld und Innenausgleich, NZKart 2017, 279 et seq.
  • Neues zum „echten“ Handelsvertreter, NZKart 2015, 423 et seq.
  • Gesellschaftsrechtliche Gestaltungen im Kartellbußgeldverfahren nach der 8. GWB-Novelle – ein Zwischenstand, ZIP 2015, p. 2297 et seq.
  • The European Draft Directive on Antitrust Damage Claims and its Potential Consequences for German Law, Global Competition Litigation Review 1/2014, p. 23 et seq.
  • Compliance in Franchisesystemen, Jahrbuch Franchising 2011 (eds. Erdmann/Schulz, Deutscher Franchise-Verband), Cologne 2011 (jointly with Professor Karsten Metzlaff)