Tobias Bürgers

Rechtsanwalt (Lawyer), Attorney Specialising in Tax Law, Partner

Tobias Bürgers

Tobias Bürgers acts for listed companies, major family-owned businesses and foundations and has dealt with many takeovers and capital market transactions as lead partner. Tobias is among the leading German legal specialists in the areas of corporate governance, stock corporations and M&A. He helps family businesses and foundations to optimise their governance structures and manage succession situations and also advises on contentious disputes.


  • Recognized as a leading corporate/M&A lawyer in various directories, including Best Lawyers, Chambers Global, Chambers Europe, Juve Handbook and The International Who's Who Legal of Corporate Governance Lawyers
  • Leading press reviews describe him as a very elite practitioner: “very dynamic”, “well versed" in M&A transactions and is praised as "creative and knowledgeable lawyer" and „intelligent and forward-thinking“, with "strong legal knowledge" and "recommended for the strength of his practice" Who´s Who Legal 2017/2018/2019/2020
  • Global Elite Thought Leader Germany 2021 for Corporate Governance and Leading Individual 2019/2020/2021 for Corporate Governance and M&A, Who's Who Legal 2021
  • Global Elite Thought Leader Germany 2022 for Corporate Governance, Who's Who Legal 2022


Legal studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich
Secondment in the corporate department at Macfarlanes, London
At Noerr since 1991
Admitted to the Munich Chamber of Lawyers
Honorary professor in the fields of corporate law and banking law at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich


  • Member of numerous supervisory boards


  • Honorary professor in the fields of corporate law and banking law at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich


  • Transaktionen im faktischen Konzernverbund im Lichte des ARUG II (mit Lisa Marleen Guntermann) in Festschrift für Gerd Krieger, C.H.Beck Verlag 2020
  • Zwei vor und eins zurück - die Unabhängikeit von Aufsichtsratsmitgliedern, in Festschrift für Reinhard Marsch-Barner, C.H. Beck Verlag 2019
  • Co-editor of the Heidelberger Kommentars zum Aktiengesetz (with Prof. Dr. Torsten Körber, LL.M.) and co-editor of the §§ 76-91, §§ 93-94, §§ 27,33-33c WpÜG, C.F. Müller Verlag Heidelberg, 2008, 5th edition,2021
  • Compliance in Aktiengesellschaften, in: ZHR 179 (2015), pp. 173 et seq.
  • Co-editor of handbook "Die Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien" (with Dr. Torsten Fett), C.H. Beck Verlag, Munich, 2nd edition 2015
  • Die Zulässigkeit einvernehmlicher Aufhebung der Bestellung eines Vorstandsmitglieds bei gleichzeitiger Neubestellung (with Dr. Ingo Theusinger), in: NZG 2012, p. 1218