Stephan Schulz is a partner and member of Noerr’s Corporate and Capital Markets practice groups based in our Hamburg office. Stephan focuses on issuances of equity securities (IPOs, rights issues and private placements) and public takeovers. He also provides listed companies, issuers, asset managers, financial institutions and investors with ongoing advice on matters involving German and European equity and capital markets law. Stephan publishes regularly on equity and capital markets topics.


  • Compleo Charging Solutions AG on the sale of its main assets to the KOSTAL Group during debtor-in-possession proceedings (2023)
  • Hamburg-based online designer fashion market place “” on IPO in Stockholm (2022) as well as on takeover offer by Lithuanian company Vinted (2022)
  • Meta Wolf AG on rights issues (2021 and 2023)
  • RIB Software SE on squeeze-out of minority shareholders (2021)
  • Main shareholder of ERLUS AG on squeeze-out of minority shareholders (2021)
  • Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA on rights issue (2021)
  • Hauck & Aufhäuser and fashionette AG on their IPO (2020)
  • COMMERZBANK and ODDO BHF on the IPO of Compleo Charging Solutions AG (2020)
  • TAG Immobilien AG on their placement of a convertible bond in the amount of 470 million euro and on a buyback offer for existing convertible bonds (2020) as well as on a rights issue (2022)
  • SE on various capital market transactions (2018 - 2022)
  • M.M. Warburg as issuing bank for various capital markets transactions (2018 to 2021)
  • Lotto24 as target company of the public takeover offer (exchange offer) by Zeal Network SE (UK) (2018)
  • J.C. Flowers LLC as member of a bidder group for the acquisition of HSH Nordbank AG (2018)
  • ShangGong Group (China) as major shareholder in the squeeze out procedure by Dürkopp Adler AG (2018)
  • Schaltbau Holding AG on a capital increase with subscription rights (2017/2018)
  • DiaSorin on its acquisition of the international micro-titre based ELISA immunodi-agnostic business portfolio from SIEMENS Healtineers (2017)
  • Main shareholder of Frankfurt-listed Austrian company BDI Bio-Energy International AG on the company’s delisting (2016)
  • Isaria Wohnbau AG on its capital increase and subsequent delisting (2016)
  • trivago on its IPO on NASDAQ New York (2016)
  • Oddo Seydler Bank and Oddo & Cie. on the issuance of a corporate bond by Adler Real Estate AG in the amount of 300 million euro (2015)
  • Close Brothers Seydler Bank AG on a capital increase with subscription rights by Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA (2014)
  • Analytik Jena AG on a rights issue (2013), as target company of a mandatory offer by Endress+Hauser (2013), its squeeze out of minority shareholders (2015), its change of legal form into a GmbH (2020) and various M&A transactions


  • Recommended as expert for Equity Capital Markets, Legal 500 (since 2021)
  • Recommended as expert for Capital Markets Law, Corporate Law, Merger and Acquisitions, Best Lawyers in Germany (since 2020)
  • „Very detailed in-depth knowledge, but also open for new arguments. Good understanding for the needs of issuers.“, Legal 500 (2022)
  • „In-depth knowledge, extremely service oriented, extremely pleasant mandate management.“, Legal 500 (2021)
  • Recommended as ‘notable practitioner’, IFLR 1000


Studied law and economics at the University of Greifswald
Research visit at the University of Michigan School of Law (USA)
Training seat with an international law firm in New York City (USA)
Experience as a lawyer at a major international law firm in Hamburg
Secondment to an international law firm in Stockholm (Sweden)
At Noerr since 2013
Admitted to the Hamburg Chamber of Lawyers


  • „Strukturierung von Anleiheemissionen: Entscheidungskriterien, Geschäftsleiterpflichten und Verfahrensabläufe“, in: Segna/Möslein/Omlor/von Buttlar, Gesetz über elektronische Wertpapiere, 2024 (with Karl-Alexander Neumann)
  • Commentary on §§ 293a bis 293g, 300 of the German Stock Corporation Code, in: Heidel (ed.), Aktienrecht und Kapitalmarktrecht, 6th edition 2024
  • Schulz/Neumann, Gesetz über elektronische Wertpapiere - Commentary, 2023, editor and commentary on §§ 24 to 27 eWpG
  • § 26 "Anleihen und Schuldscheindarlehen", in: Bochmann/Scheller/Prütting (ed.), Recht der Familienunternehmen, Münchener Handbuch des Gesellschaftsrechts, Volume 9, 2021 (with Kai-Michael Hingst)
  • § 12: Grenzüberschreitende Kapitalmarkttransaktionen und § 13: Internationales Kapitalmarktrecht, Göthel (ed.), Grenzüberschreitende M&A-Transaktionen, 5th edition 2020, pp. 445 - 546
  • Börsennotierung und Ad-hoc-Publizität im vorläufigen und eröffneten Insolvenzverfahren, in: ZIP 2024, pp. 1110 - 1020
  • Verschmelzungsrechtlicher Squeeze-out Revisited – Aktuelle Praxisfragen, in: AG 2020, pp. 729 - 740 (with Jan Hoffmann Linhard)
  • Neue Schwellenwerte für Wertpapierprospekte , NZG 2018, pp. 921 - 927
  • Aktienemissionen nach der Europäischen Prospektverordnung, WM 2018, pp. 212 – 220
  • Delisting ausländischer Emittenten, NZG 2017, pp. 449 – 455 (with Laurenz Wieneke)
  • Durchführung eines Delistings – Gesellschafts- und kapitalmarktrechtliche Pflichten von Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat der Gesellschaft (with Laurenz Wieneke), Die Aktiengesellschaft 2016, pp. 809 - 819
  • Die Reform des Europäischen Prospektrechts – Eine Analyse der geplanten Prospektverordnung und ihrer Praxisauswirkungen, WM 2016, pp. 1417 - 1425
  • Informelle Abstimmungen mit dem Handelsregister, Neue Juristische Wochenschrift 2016, pp. 1483 et seq.
  • Zweifelsfragen der neuen Regelungen über die Geschlechterquote im Aufsichtsrat und die Zielgrößen für die Frauenbeteiligung (with Christian Ruf), Betriebs-Berater 2015, pp. 1155 et seq.
  • Strategien zum Umgang mit eigenen Anteilen bei der Vorbereitung eines Börsengangs, ZIP 2015, pp. 510 - 517
  • Vereinfachte Prospekte für Bezugsrechtsemissionen nach den „verhältnismäßigen Schemata" des Art. 26a EU-ProspektVO (with Christian Hartig), WM 2014, pp. 1567 - 1575
  • Gesellschaftsrechtliche Strukturierung von Private Equity initiierten Börsengängen, Corporate Finance Law 2013, pp. 57 et seq.
  • Sachkapitalerhöhungen bei Aktiengesellschaften im Transaktionskontext (with Christoph H. Seibt), Corporate Finance Law 2012, pp. 313 et seq.
  • Insider-Compliance-Richtlinien als Baustein eines umfassenden Compliance-Konzepts (with Michael Kuhnke), Betriebs-Berater 2012, pp. 143 et seq.
  • Das Insiderhandelsverbot nach § 14 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 WpHG im Lichte der Spector-Rechtsprechung des EuGH, ZIP 2010, pp. 609 - 613